How Mulholland Drive creates an enigma
The film Mulholland Drive develops a narrative by creating an enigma. Throughout the film, this enigma is used to create a mysterious narrative where what exactly is going on isn’t clear until the end, and even then it can still raise questions. At surface level, the plot is a woman named Betty has moved to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career, where she meets another woman named Rita who has been involved in a car crash, and is now suffering from amnesia. The two work together to help Rita rediscover her true identity. It captures dream-like Los Angeles, however underneath the surface it uncovers a much darker underbelly., which a lot of doesn't make sense when taken out of context early on within the film, but begins to be explained as the film progresses. This serves as an enigma as while it is mysterious and difficult to understand, it becomes clearer the more and more the story unravels and more context is given. This is effective within the film as the narrative would be bo...