Captain Fantastic Opening Scene Analysis
The first few shots of Captain Fantastic show the environment that the family live in as serene and calm. The first shot of any members of the family is of the eldest son, who is stalking a deer, and wearing hunting paint which appears intimidating, especially when watching over the deer. There is then a graphic sequence in which the son pounces, and kills the deer in a violent fashion. Due to this, our first impressions on the family are negative, as up to this point, we have only seen them be a destructive force on the environment which has already been established as peaceful. The lighting in this scene seems to be entirely natural, which shows the audience the natural beauty of this environment, while remaining relatively dark as they are in shade to match the tone of this scene. The naturalistic lighting in this scene is complemented by the abundance of the colour green which is heavily related to the concept of nature. Once the son has killed the deer, we see the family come out ...