
Showing posts from June, 2021

Trainspotting Opening Analysis

 In the opening scene of Trainspotting, there is around one second of quiet, before Renton and Spud run into frame. The camera is on the floor in this shot, showing nothing but their legs, showing as much movement as possible, bringing an abrupt end to this second of peace. As soon as Renton and Spud enter the frame, Lust for Life by Iggy Pop begins to play, with the boisterous opening drums intensifying the abrupt end to the peace. Renton starts his monologue, stating "Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a family. etc." This implies that Renton is mocking the capitalist idea that they can achieve anything, as this film is set in Thatcher's Britain, which was responsible for one of the largest class divides in British history, especially in Glasgow; leading to many of the crises in the film.   As this monologue begins, the camera pans up to reveal that Renton and Spud are running from security guards, further revealing the anarchic spirit of both the characters of Renton an...